Monday, April 7, 2014

Letter of Lin Zexu to Queen Victoria

How does Lin Zexu convey his distaste for opium in the descriptive terms he attaches to the drug, and how do the punishments inflicted on opium peddlers suggest Lin Zexu's perception of opium's threat to China.

It is clear within the beginning of the letter that Lin Zexu holds a distaste for opium. This is evident since he is quick to relate opium to terms such as 'harm', 'threat', and 'poison' which each hold a strong negative connotation. Lin Zexu wishes to punish opium peddlers with death, since they are the 'cause of other people's death'. This indicates that Zexu perceives opium as a deadly weapon that kills, which is why he wishes to punish those in the possession of it with death if they do not get rid of it. It just seems as if Lin Zexu is being very protective of China and wishes to eliminate threats such as opium.

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